The main reason I do this blog is to be able to look back on our lives and see what we were doing and to see how Norah changes! So I really try to do a post at least once a week...but last week was so crazy...I never did one. We had such a great time at the beach so it was hard to get back to the real world! So here is some basic catch-up... Exercise stats for March were not so hot... Ran 38.21 miles, 3 days of Elliptical and Bike at gym, 1 day of walking on treadmill, 1 day of Bob Strength DVD, and 19 Rest Days (Yikes! Not Good!) But April is already off to a good I think it was nice to take a little break. Last week I worked out 3 times and today I was at the gym too. It was nice to run and not have a specific set amount to do or anything. I really love to run but doing a lot of races burns me out some.

OMG!! That Fritz wine (
Cabernet) that my friend
Meredyth gave me was the best wine I have ever lie! It was so good! However, I called our local Total Wine and they didn't have it so now I will have to see if any of the local wine stores/bars have it. Trust me...I have a lot of red wine in my days (some expensive and some not) and this was the best I have ever had!! Jeff agreed!

New show to me...House...I caught an episode last week and now am addicted...I have the
DVR to record it anytime it comes on so I can catch up on the episodes. I actually like that I started watching "House" and "Closer" once there was already like 5 seasons or something so I have something to watch while there is nothing else on! All these re-runs are new to me!

Darcy turned 1 this weekend...hard to believe. And Fritz turned 1 in March...they are so cute!

Norah was being cute today after school (she let me take these pics before she went down the slide in our yard!) She was Top Dog today so she got to take something for Show-n-tell (she took her Princess Belle doll), the school had policemen/women come visit the school today (Norah was very excited that they got to touch their cars) and they had some sort of pictures taken today. It sounded like a class picture but not sure.

Well we have been enjoying the weather when it has been good. Norah has lots of neighbors to play with and it is so cute and fun to watch them all play together. They are at the age that they understand they have to stay in one of our three yards so it is nicer not to have to worry so much. They always burn lots of energy and have lots of fun!
Well I hope I get back on track around here. Time seems to be going really fast lately and there is so much to do! I also hope this storm we are getting tonight isn't too bad....
P.S. Can I tell you how awesome it was last night when Steven Tyler came on stage with Carrie Underwood...I was so surprised...loved it! Also loved the Darius Rucker and Zac Brown/James Taylor performances.
Fritz Jr? or Finn?
oops...yes Finn not Fritz...I think since I typed about the wine earlier...Fritz was on my mind! :)
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