Monday, October 24, 2011

Taking a night off...

Tonight I brought not one book or paper home from school...I literally just left my bag there with everything in it so I would be forced to chill out for one night! It is so nice! I've already gotten to read three books to Norah and hope to maybe read a random magazine tonight or something...I need to do this more often. Lately it has been

Oh well...onto the important I cannot wait for this movie in November. Even though this wasn't my favorite book of the love Edward! :)

Jessica Simpson is so pregnant but supposedly will not comment until someone gives her some $$ for her statement. Um....I can pretty much tell from this pic that there is a bun in the oven....whatcha' think?

Here are a few pics from when we went to Disney on Ice. The train pics as always...Norah loves to ride the "train"

We got there and our seats were ringside so we were literally the first row. We sat in chairs basically right at the ice. If I would have straightened my legs I would have tripped the skaters...seriously! It was a fabulous experience and Norah loved it!!!

It was really cold so close to the ice so luckily I brought our jackets!

Well I am off to enjoy moments of relaxation!

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