Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday randomness....

Today I got home and what was at my front door...a package from the Graduate School at UNCC...and inside was my Graduate Certificate in Teaching! There was a lot that went into that me! Now I want to have it framed so it will match my Clemson diploma and my paralegal certificate and I need to frame Jeff's diploma too. So now when to start my Masters program...thinking Fall??...(Obviously...I like to going to school!) :)
So I had to run to CVS today and I saw this HUGE Reese's and yes, I put them on the floor with a regular size Reese's egg beside it for comparison (and took a pic with my phone because I was that shocked)...can you believe how big they are! It was hilarious! And believe it or not...we didn't buy any of it!
Last night I watched Breaking Dawn: Part 1...again...yes, I have issues...swear I almost bought a t-shirt at Target the other day with Edward on it to wear around the house...but I held back. :)
So when deciding what book to read next...I choose "Matterhorn"...since I am a Prime member I was able to borrow it for FREE and you know that I love FREE!! It got really good reviews so I am excited about it. It deals with the Vietnam War which I do not know a lot I seem to read more about the other wars in books so I am interested in reading about it. Well off to get ready for tomorrow! Just two more days until the weekend! Wahoo!

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