Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Hurricane Matthew and Jeff's birthday...

Time to catch the blog up...I've debated about not doing it anymore but I cannot tell ya how many times I have looked back on pics and things we have done in the past. My very own scrapbook. Anyway...

We ha Hurricane Matthew come through and it ended up being a little more destructive then we planned. For power for a few days (I'm not good without power!) and some yard debris/branches down. For others in our was a lot worse. The night before...we hung out...

Then the next day....the back half of the storm is what did us in...when the power went out. We turned to games, books, and that is about it... ;)

We were creative in cooking using the grill...

Went out to eat once somewhere opened to get a break from that creative cooking...
Finally desperation set in and Jeff went and got us a generator! Wouldn't you know that later that same day...we got our power back on! :)

Since we had to do something about stuff in our freezer...we had some friends over to grill up everything...that is venison and chicken...and it all got eaten!

After we survived Hurricane Matthew we had a birthday to celebrate! Jeff turned 49 (he looks 39 seriously!) we headed to Murrells Inlet for dinner.

Will catch up more in another post!

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