Monday, December 26, 2011

The Day After.... is so hard to believe that Christmas Day has come and gone. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas (minus an unfortunate incident). Santa was really good to us...we got way too many presents! But of course, we love them all! Now we are having a "pj" day and relaxing, cleaning up, and enjoying being together. We also are wearing, using, or playing with all of our new loot! But alas....we are eating a salad as we have been on food overload this last week!

Of course, there is this one last holiday item I want to make...I need to go buy some candy on sale and make these awesome candy trays....LOVE THEM! (Mom, if you are reading this....let's make these!)

Norah was so excited that Santa had come! She actually went and checked out the plate of cookies first to see that he had eaten them and that the reindeer had taken bites out of the carrots! Santa also left Norah a note! She loved that!

She loved seeing her Daddy open gifts too....

She wrote Santa a letter earlier and asked for "princess, a prince, flamingo and a treasure box"...he came through on all of it! Hence, the flamingo!

Finn checking out the stuff with Norah! Darcy just hanging out...

Norah hanging out on her bean bag chait with her big lolly pop!

Jeff with "our" new cover for the tablet we have...

Norah got these books and it came with a device that is shaped like a cell phone with speakers and you press the buttons and it plays music...she calls it her "iphone" :)

After we opened all the gifts, Jeff's parents came over and we ate a big breakfast. Then we moved to "our positions" for the next couple of hours...

Norah also played with lots of her toys...she spelled her name with her new play-doh! :)

Now we were ready to head to Jeff's brother's house for Hoppe Christmas.

My awesome Neighbor came over to snap a family pic of us! Thanks Sarah!

We headed over to Jeff's brother's house and Jeff's other brother, wife, and son came in town too. We were getting ready to eat when Jeff's dad had a bad fall. It was very scary and we had to call 911. Jeff's mom went in the ambulance with him to the hospital and Jeff's brother, Glenn and Denise, followed by car. The rest of us stayed behind and just waited to hear....

Can you believe these are my niece and nephews! Jonathon is 14 yrs old (in red shirt), Allyson is 17 yrs old and Wil is 18 yrs old (plaid shirt)...Norah loves all her cousins! They were also amazing and entertained Norah for the 7 hours that we were there and in wait mode. Thanks guys and girl...ya'll are the best!! Norah already misses ya'll this morning!

When we finally heard that Mr. Hoppe had a cracked rib and they were sending him when they arrived....everyone was worn out especially those who went to the hospital. Mrs. Hoppe and Jonathon getting in the Holiday spirit and ready to open presents!

All the kids opened away!

Jeff and his Dad. Jeff was so worried all day that it was hard for him to enjoy the day but once he knew he was okay...he was better and able to enjoy the rest of the night! (it is so hard to see my hubby Jeff sad...I don't like it!) :)

Norah got a princess tent and she wanted to see if Daddy could fit in it with her...barely!

So I did a terrible job of pictures of Glenn, Denise, Robyn, Allan...or the dog, Kaylie (SP?) as she did a good job of entertaining Norah too! as always I need to be better about being a photo obsessed person and snap more pics! :)

Well back to a day of relaxation...there is football on at 5...UNC vs. Missouri so that will be watched. Other than that, just enjoying our time at home. I still cannot believe I am off all week...I have never had the week off at Christmas in all my working years so it is a TREAT! I guess I'll start taking down all the Christmas stuff down and packed away this week (we think it is bad luck to have any Christmas stuff up past the New Year!) Also it is the first time in a few years that I am excited about my upcoming birthday (haven't been a fan of getting older lately...) but this year I am! I hope everyone is enjoying their time with family and friends during the holiday as much as I am!! :)

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