Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sad news of losing a friend...

Yesterday I went on Facebook and saw a new post regarding the Class of 1996 class reunion (even though I graduated in '95 my true class is '96.) They had posted a spreadsheet with all the classmates and contact information asking if anyone could fill in the blanks. I opened it and looked straight for my old tennis partner who I actually had been looking for recently. I got to her name and it had printed "deceased" beside it. The tears were immediate. After asking around and trying to "google" all I could...I found out that Emily Bevis died November 23, 2005 at the age of 27 from what seems to be possibly a brain disease. I cannot tell you how saddened and heartbroken I am to hear this news.

When I was 20 I was in an interview for my internship and they asked me if I had any regrets so far in life. I quickly answered, "No, as all decisions I had made had gotten me where I was that day." As I have gotten older, I do have regrets and the regret I feel about my relationship with Emily is big. I cannot decide if I feel more regret that I did not know she died in 2005 so was not able to be a part of her goodbye or that I was not a good enough friend when we were younger. If I had been a better friend...we may have stayed in touch more. I hate that I did not keep in touch with her.

She and I played tennis for more hours than you can imagine. We practiced, played tournaments together as double partners, against each other in singles, played on a high school team together, and roomed at tennis camps in the summer together. I have been telling stories about her lately and it reminds me of such happy times. She was truly an amazing girl with a heart of gold. I do not think I ever heard an ill word out of her mouth except for maybe one time I heard her yell at her brother. :)

I wish I had a picture to share but I do not have any here. My yearbooks were damaged in some moves and honestly I do not think I have them anymore. Pictures were not taken with such ease in the early 1990s so if I have any...I'm not sure where they would be. But the moments we spent together are clear as day in my head and heart and I will never forget her. She was a very special person and I know she is in heaven right now playing tennis with someone...and winning. So today when I take Norah to tennis...I will stay to watch and remember all our good times we shared together.

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