Monday, February 1, 2016

Weekend, amazing book, and TV...

This past weekend by sweet friend Julie came in town with some of her friends and I got to go to dinner with them. Love some Julie!

Last week was not arm was still really swollen at the beginning and I couldn't really do anything. I couldn't even sub and basically I was at home and bored. So of course it was reading and TV time.

I have never read a book by Stephen King in my whole life ...but I finally did and I LOVED 11/22/63 (this is not his usual genre). It was awesome! I read it in just days...being that it is 800+ pages...that tells you something. His writing it awesome. Even though it sounds like a strange concept...time travel and trying to save JFK from has a lot of components in it ranging from romance, suspense, etc. I love all the details and research that went into this book too. Seriously I am a huge fan of this book and recommend it to everyone! Go read it now! I'm so sad that it is book I have read in awhile.

Then I found out that they made a TV mini-series for the book that will start on Hulu on February 15, 2016. The only thing is the two previews I saw for can tell that they have changed it a lot from the book so I'm not sure if I can watch it yet. I loved the book and afraid it won't live up to it!

I got these two books for my birthday and even though it is hard to read anything after finishing such a good book...I think I will try them out.

And TV...I needed something random to watch last week and started "New Girl" on Netflix. I find it pretty funny so that is happening.

Well tomorrow is my CT scan for my arm and we will go from there! I'm so over wearing a sling and not using my arm!! Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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