Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hello Summer!

Wow! It is hard to believe that summer is here! Last week I finished up at my school ending with a really sweet graduation of some lovely, young ladies. I know they are excited about moving on from high school to college. I wish them the best in all they do in life!!

Jeff and Norah went camping this past weekend with a Church group and sweet ole' Jeff let me off the hook! I did visit out to where they were camping for a few hours on Saturday...but otherwise...it was just me and the dogs hanging out. It was nice to unwind from the hustle and bustle of a busy school year. Here are some pics of Norah's camping adventures...

Friday night there was a huge storm and I even woke up around 3:30 am and texted Jeff to come home as I could only think about some huge limb falling on their tent! Luckily they made it through but I'm not sure they got a lot of sleep. They got home Sunday and both were quite exhausted. Norah took a shower, cuddled on the couch to use the iPad, and the next thing I know...she is out!

I watched movies, read books, had a little wine all while they were away (still reading so a book/movie post soon!) and yesterday came...Norah is back at school. That is right...Norah still has 3 full days and 2 half days of school left so I'm taking advantage to hit the beach, read, and get things ready for the summer! (This was my view yesterday!)

Also Norah is on the countdown for her birthday (in June) and her bowling party...I cannot believe she will be 7 years old!

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