Friday, June 13, 2014

Week in Review...

This was Norah's first full week home and out of school and it has been awesome! We have gone on the beach everyday (some days with just us but others with friends), reorganized and painted her playroom, saw the movie "Maleficent," Norah went on a trip to the pool with a Church group, had Ellie sleepover, I went to a birthday night out for a friend, and even a birthday lunch out for another friend. Today my good friend Julie and her family came in town from Charlotte and then my friend Christie and her girls will be in town Monday...both are staying next week....YEAH!!!!!! I'm so excited that they will be here for a little while and Norah is so excited about playing with all the kiddos all week. I've also finished two it has been a week of fabulousness for sure!

Love having Julie in town!!!

Movie: Norah really wanted to see "Maleficent" and I was not sure if it would be too scary or not. I had heard from several people with young kids that they liked it so we headed to the movies. I loved the story and thought Angelina Jolie was perfect for the is my new classic way to think of Sleeping Beauty for sure! Norah said that it was happy, scary, and sad and that she liked it. So I would recommend seeing it but it is probably more for kids aged 8/9 and up unless you are like Norah and watch things like Harry Potter and Hunger Games...oops! (I totally want to dress up like Maleficent for Halloween now!)

When we left the movies...Norah was worn out from all her adventures this week...she fell asleep in the car and was still zonked out when we arrived home!

I finished reading "A Hundred Summers" and thought it was a fun summer read and would highly recommend reading it...great book if you are going on I love the time period it involves. I now added this book to my wish list as it is by the same author. I also finished "A Place at the Table" which started off a little different then I thought but by the end it all came together and I thought it was a good book. I loved all the Southern references!

I had a night out to celebrate Glenn's birthday at Perrones this week where another yummy cheese was consumed along with lots of vino and chit chat... :)

It was a great week and now excited for the weekend to start...awww...who am I kidding all week has felt like a long weekend?!? ;)

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