Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday Things...

 We celebrated Jeff's birthday this weekend. Norah wanted to get Daddy the game of Monopoly and rain boots. I was really impressed that she came up with those and he loved them! We went out to eat and ate too much! :)

On the way home I took these pics from the moving car (Jeff was driving)...it was awesome looking!

Saturday we watched football including this fabulous game with some friends!

Jeff blew out his candle!

Jeff got to go hunting on his actual birthday so he was a happy birthday boy! Plus he got another gift that he is pretty excited about...picture to come soon! Happy 48th Jeff...you make it look so good! We love you bunches!

Today also brings us back into school mode. Norah's school opened back up on a two hour delay. In our county...there are parts that are completely devastated and it will be a long, long time before they are back in their homes, etc. Again, we are so fortunate that we did not have any damage to our home. 

On other news...Norah spent the night out on Sunday night with a friend which she loved!! So when she got home she was worn out. It was so cute! We hung out and made homemade pretzels! I really thought it would not work as I'm not usually good with working with yeast...but they came out great!

So I'll admit that it is hard to get back in gear today after being out of a normal routine for a week and a half but hoping it starts getting easier. Also the birthday week continues as my sister's birthday is tomorrow and then we are celebrating my step-dad's birthday this weekend.

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