The holiday season has been busy around here at the Hoppe house. We had Norah's 3rd grade play "Humbug" at her school, Jeff's work party at our house, gingerbread house decorating, end of school parties, I got to sub at the sweet preschool a good bit over the last month and it was so cute, plus movie time, holiday shows, friend time, etc.! Whew! But it has been so much here are some pics to catch us up on the ole' blog!

Norah at her school play

The night we had Jeff's work party at our house...Norah got to go to Brookgreen's Night of a Thousand Lights with pretty!! Hope to go with her next year!
The dogs needed a pic too!

Alice invited us over to her house to decorate gingerbread houses...she went all out! Norah loved it and playing with all the kids! I enjoyed meeting some new peeps too!
We had a breakfast party at Norah's school for Christmas and the parents did a great job...the kids loved it! Norah and I then headed out Friday afternoon to get lunch and see the new Star Wars movie.

The movie was great! It had the
old school jokes and totally felt like I was watching the one in the theater in the 1980s. It was just a fun movie. Norah had never seen any of the movies (but was the one who wanted to go!) and she loved it too! Already ready for the next one!

Jeff went out of town this weekend so after we got back from the movies...a couple of friends came over and we just hung out. (There was a little cheese and wine involved.) :)

Saturday Norah and I headed to the Carolina Opry and watched the Christmas Show. It was so good! I was really impressed and Norah loved it too. This is definitely be a new tradition and to go each year...highly recommend!

While we were there...Jeff was in Charlotte...he had a fun time too!!

Saturday night we went to a friend's house where they treated us to a delicious dinner! It was yummy and we got to meet their new dog!
Sunday came and off Norah and I went again...I know...we were busy!!

We headed to see "The Nutcracker" put on by Coastal Youth Ballet Theatre. We saw this one last year too. It is really sweet and cute. Next year we talked and I'm going to find a big production of Nutcracker to take Norah too...any recommendations? I love that she loves to go to these Christmas shows and ballets. So fun to do these things with her!

We ended Sunday with dinner out (Norah's choice!) Now we are here on Monday with 4 days left till the BIG DAY! I felt really behind this year in general with things getting done...but it still has been so fun! I love having Norah home and the Christmas movies, lights, cards, etc....excitement is high in our house!
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