Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Catching up...February

Still catching up with getting pics off my phone before I forget!! February went by so fast...like a blur. Here are some highlights... (NYC in a separate post!)

Sweet Norah and Jeff going to the Father/Daughter dance. It was their 5th time going! Click HERE to check out the pics from the last 4 times. I loved seeing posts throughout the dance of the kids dancing...so cute!

Darcy got a haircut and they didn't shave his ears. We laughed and said he looked like Albert Einstein! Ha!

Finn and Darcy are so cute together all the time...they are always together. And a lot of times they are sleeping.

Norah and I went to lunch and saw the movie "Lego Batman" one day. It was a cute movie.

We still had our Christmas tree to burn...the kids love to burn it each year. And let me tell you...it goes up in flames like crazy!

It has been in the 70s here lately...which is crazy for February but makes going to the beach fun. Norah and her sweet friend enjoying beach time a little.

Also Norah will go on walks with me...always fun with my girl!

Family night = steak night and a movie at home!

Norah made her own Foosball game! It was pretty creative and fun.

Norah ended the month with a patriotic play at school where she sang a duet! We were all nervous but she did a great job and the whole thing was really sweet.

Well February ends today and March will be here! So hard to believe how fast the year has gone by...please let the Hoppe house stay germ free!!

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