Today we came home....I left around 10:30 am and got home around 2:30 pm...uneventful. Jeff on the other hand...left by 11 am and got home around 6:30 pm!!! Here is why...
1. Jeff woke up this morning and Ranger had slept downstairs in a room (there is a heater) and somehow the door was closed so he could not get out to go to the he went everywhere in the Jeff had to clean all that up...
2. Then had our three dogs in the car with him...after leaving the beach house about 20 minutes down the road he realized that the two puppies, Finn and Darcy, had eaten chocolate covered
espresso beans (don't even ask how this happened!) Since chocolate is basically poison for dogs...he called my mom and turned around drove back through the beach and then another 30-45 minutes to Myrtle Beach to the Vet Hospital where my mom met him. Dogs had to get charcoal treatment. Now back in the car....dogs threw up 3 different times...each time Jeff had to stop and clean it up! (He had them on towels as the doctor told him this would happen...)
3. On the way home, Jeff gets pulled by three cops who had a report that a "white truck" was swerving and hit a sign and left. Needless to say, it was not Jeff but they still asked him a billion questions and checked his truck for damage to make sure. (This is hilarious to me!)
4. Jeff arrives home and Norah has a fever! This is the second time in two weeks we have gone to the beach and come home and she is sick!!! (P.S. The
Motrin is not helping...poor thing!)
So now back up a little....the trip was a little bit hectic but I guess that is to be expected with 9 adults, one kid, and 6 dogs! We had Turkey Day, then Friday I did some school work first thing in the morning...then Jeff and I took Norah to Georgetown and rained most of Friday, then Friday night we had an oyster roast. Saturday....Jeff went fishing, I took Norah to beach briefly (it had gotten cold!), watched Toy Story 3 (most of it), football was watched and everyone kinda chilled. Jake made a huge batch of
Brunswick stew too. Sunday....well you already heard about Sunday.
Here are a few pics....

Charlie and Kathy took this pic as the sun was rising on the beach!

Sweet Norah...Charlie took this pic of her!

Me and cute hubby!

Krishna (step-sister) and Jake (step-brother)

Sweet girl!

Krishna and her hubby..Rick!

Frankie digging into some oysters!

Rick with his folks...Charlie and Kathy

Our cousin, Pat, my mom and Denny
Still meat free...I did not eat any meat the whole time I was was really easy....I didn't miss it at all. I do feel like I need a detox from all the stuff that I did eat lot of food was consumed! I got home today and had a green monster and a bowl of oatmeal then some spaghetti squash for dinner. Much better!
I also did not exercise the whole time I was there and feel like a sloth for it! My plan is to get back on track tomorrow. I feel so sorry for baby Norah being sick!! I hate when she is sick...I do not like to see her feel bad. Please let this just be a brief sickness and let her feel better tomorrow!