Friday, November 12, 2010

I love the beach....

So yesterday Norah and I headed to the beach...but first we stopped at "Pigtails and Crewcuts" in Charlotte for another haircut...her 2nd! How funny is this...the woman who cut her hair is the mother of Norah's teacher last year, Ms. Brett!! She is so good during the is surprising!!

Last night was this morning we got up and headed to "Eggs Up Grill" to grab breakfast! Norah had pancakes (shaped like Mickey Mouse) and a banana. Yum!
Then after breakfast we headed to the beach!

After the beach we came back to the house and Norah collected acorns from the yard for her bucket.
Dog info:
So yesterday when Jeff got home...Finn was in a lot of pain regarding his paw. So Jeff took him to the vet this morning and they gave him lots of pain medicine and said his foot could be broken?? So we have to watch him this weekend and give him pain medicine.
My mom took her mini schnauzer, Doc, to the vet today and found out he has diabetes. It is so sad especially since my mom's last mini schnauzer had diabetes too. So they have to monitor Doc for 4 days at the doggie hospital. She is sad and it makes me super sad for her!
Blog: I have gotten some awesome comments from people lately on the blog and I love it! Thanks to those who is so great to read them!
Well I'm off...we are going to order some food for dinner....


Hilary said...

Some of my best childhood memories are from the beach with my mom and my siblings. Sand castles, picnics, wave diving... We still talk about those summer and warm fall days we spent by the shore.

Tyly said...

Beautiful beach pictures, and I'm very sorry to hear about your mom's dog! Hopefully all will go well!