Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Potter and the Wobble....

So far 2012 has been a great year! Really nothing "big" has happened so I haven't had to update the blog with pics or anything. I have just been busy doing the, mom stuff, home life and Potter reading. That is right...last night I finished book 6, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince."

Now...tonight I sit bookless as I do not have the last Harry Potter book (it is driving me a little crazy as I want to find out how it all ends!)...but have no fear...because 1. I talked to my students today and one of them is bringing my the last book tomorrow to borrow AND 2. I borrowed all the Harry Potter movies from my niece so I can watch HP and the Half-Blood Prince tonight to fill the Potter addiction until I get the book! :) Win! Win!

So I really like the HP books...I wasn't sure at first but once I got into the story...I really think it is fascinating. So since I teach middle school and (obviously) read Young Adult books would think I would be cool enough to know the latest dances....that would be a "no." :)

So all the kids at school do "The Wobble" dance...and it is so fun to watch! Today we were supposed to go outside for our Healthy Activity time but due to it being super muddy (you know some kid would have fallen all in it!) we took them to the dance room and played music and they danced "The Wobble." Seriously it made me feel old as I not only have never heard of the dance but I have never heard the song either!! So if you haven't seen or heard it! It will remind you of a updated version of the ole' electric slide concept. I need to learn it myself!

Well I am off to do a few housekeeping items and then it is Harry Potter movie time!

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