Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Catching up...after Spring Break until June 3...

Lots of pics as still catching the ole' blog up to current.

On a random night walk...Norah rode her scooter at swings back and forth.

Norah was asked to try out for the summer art program with the school district. She did not make it this year but she hopes to try again next year!

Norah played another tournament in April in Daniel Island and again won the Girls 10s division!

Took these girls to see the latest Avengers. I think I was more excited than they were...I love the Marvel world!

Friends hanging out watching a movie.

Norah enjoying hammock time!

Pool action...summer has started!

Norah played in a tournament in Mt. Pleasant at Snee Farm in May and it was so HOT! She did great again coming in 2nd place in the Girls 10s!

Hammock time with the doggies.

Norah at work on painting a sunset she saw online...

Norah is in our school's BEACH program (gifted and talented) and they have been building bridges made out of Popsicle sticks. It was using lots of parameters. Then they were tested to see how much weight they would hold before breaking. Norah's team's bridge came in 4th place holding 177 pounds. It was really cool to watch and I loved the thought process that went into building it.

River Days...

Beach days....

We saw the Solo movie with some friends!!

An impromptu night out starting with car selfies!! A great dinner in Georgetown and a walk on the boardwalk.

Jeff did some yard work and then grilled...he walked in and looked like this....I laughed so hard. I mean did the charcoal and dirt attack you?!? Ha!

Norah went to a birthday party for a friend and they painted a beach scene.

They made a wall of all the youth players at the place Norah plays tennis...it is so cute!

Well this weekend was filled with river time, pool, beach, and lots of friend time. Now only a few more half days at school and then summer really does start!!!

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