Now it is Monday and we are back in gear. Norah is Top Dog (it is like the special person for the day) at school today so she got to take something for show and tell...she was so excited! I did a 4 mile run and it actually was tough. Isn't it funny that I just ran 8 miles on Friday and it was fabulous and then go for a 4 miler and it was a struggle. I guess that is how it rolls some times.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Weekend Recap...
Not a lot went on this weekend. Jeff was out of town Saturday and Saturday night. Norah and I hit up the Target. Here is a pic as we are on our way!
Came home and she played dress up! She is the cutest princess!
I let her pick out her Valentines for school at Target...of course she picked the princess ones! And she wanted to make a cake so we got this Valentine cake mix.
After making the cake...we headed to our neighbors for some outside beautiful was the weather on Saturday and Sunday! It was fabulous! I was in a slight funk this weekend and ended up not exercising either day...maybe that is the cause of the funk?
Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday Fun...

I apologize to my neighbors for the screaming and heavy breathing that you heard..that was me sitting in a tub full of super cold water after I ran 8 miles at the Greenway.
And since I have been on a listening music kick while running lately...I updated my ipod with a few songs. First I finally decided to be sorta hip after seeing what others are listening too (Hilary and Janae) and talking to Meredyth (who is definitely cooler than me.) So I added some Katy Perry and it made me think of this youtube video that my step-brother, Jake, showed gotta check it out!
I also added this....
You know that makes you smile! If only every guy could dance like Kevin Bacon! :)
I also added some Britney Spears...see I am way behind on the music front! So anymore suggestions...bring 'em on! Well I am off to hit the books! Happy Friday!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Short and Sweet...
- If you need a laugh...check out It cracks me up!
- I ran 4 miles yesterday on the Dreadmill as it was raining and I don't do rain.
- Tomorrow is my long run day. There will be an ice bath involved afterwards.
- I so need some to take some new pics of Norah! I have been slack in the picture taking lately.
- Tonight Jersey Shore comes on and everybody keeps talking about it...should I DVR it? Or is it better to not start watching there won't be a chance for me to become obsessed with it and then want to watch the marathon of episodes all in one day to catch up??!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Today is my Birthday!

So for lunch Jeff and I are going to lunch at my favorite restaurant in Charlotte, Upstream. I still have the gift card my work gave me when I left and since Norah is in is a date!

Have a great day!
Monday, January 24, 2011
I am officially obsessed...

I am obsessed with finding a marathon to do. Actually I think I found one that would be perfect, the entry fee isn't bad, the hotel prices are cheap...but notice how I said hotel...the only problem is we would have to fly there and plane tickets aren't cheap. I really want to do a marathon and right now the timing is perfect in my life with going to school and not working a job (which will end soon!) and the fact that I am already training for some half marathons. I would love to just keep training and do the marathon in May...which leads me to the Fargo Marathon. Don't laugh! Jeff is all for it (love my supportive husband!) but we have to figure out how to swing the plane if you know how to get super cheap tickets or how I can get a sponsor (ha!)...let me know!

Yesterday we got a Sunday paper of the Charlotte Observer and in the Parade insert was an article about actress Sela Ward...I really loved it. I really related to the idea of being from a small town and can't wait to leave and then realizing how great it was... I also loved her statement "I love Southern culture, it creates a strong sense of belonging." So true!
Well Jeff ran yesterday too...since he has started back running this month (he used to run a good bit)...he has probably only run like 4 times this month and yesterday he is already running 9 minute miles!! What! I am so jealous!
Next up....FOOTBALL! Here are my baby dogs and me enjoying the games...(please ignore the picture quality as it was taken with Jeff's blackberry, the dog's devil eyes, and my no make-up look) I love my puppies! I told Jeff if we won the lottery...I would so get another labradoodle like Darcy!

Oh yeah I almost forgot we did watch the movie "The Town" on Saturday night and it was really good! Well I am writing this as my breakfast settles so I am off to run...
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Birthday Weekend...
Let's see...Thursday was a schoolwork day and just walked on the Treadmill for 45 minutes and did some hand weights. Three of the shows I DVR were new that night...Big Bang Theory, CSI-Vegas, and The Mentalist so that was fabulous!
Friday was super busy! Ran 6 miles at the Greenway and it was so great! The first two miles by calves were so tight I thought they might burst...but once mile 2 hit it was smooth sailing. I actually had my fastest mile was my last mile and I still felt like I could keep running. I wish I had a couple more weeks before my first half in Myrtle Beach as I think I could be really prepared and really get a super PR. It still will be great though...except it has a 6:30 am start time!
Then I ran a bunch of errands as I was on a mission to finally purchase a pair of skinny jeans...since I am the last person to own a pair. In the end...I got some Jeggings and love them...super comfy! Then I had schoolwork to do and picked Norah up from school. Then I was off to Cowfish with some friends for a birthday celebration. See I am celebrating my birthday all weekend long because my birthday is this Tuesday and I have class on Tuesday nights.
Here is my before we left (no red face and purple mouth)....

Friday was super busy! Ran 6 miles at the Greenway and it was so great! The first two miles by calves were so tight I thought they might burst...but once mile 2 hit it was smooth sailing. I actually had my fastest mile was my last mile and I still felt like I could keep running. I wish I had a couple more weeks before my first half in Myrtle Beach as I think I could be really prepared and really get a super PR. It still will be great though...except it has a 6:30 am start time!
Then I ran a bunch of errands as I was on a mission to finally purchase a pair of skinny jeans...since I am the last person to own a pair. In the end...I got some Jeggings and love them...super comfy! Then I had schoolwork to do and picked Norah up from school. Then I was off to Cowfish with some friends for a birthday celebration. See I am celebrating my birthday all weekend long because my birthday is this Tuesday and I have class on Tuesday nights.
Here is my before we left (no red face and purple mouth)....
This is a pic of me and Cara at dinner....I forgot to take pics early in the evening so notice my red face and purple mouth/teeth....that is after quite a bit of wine! Cara is pregnant with her second little exciting!
Here is Christie and Shannon. Thanks to all these lovely ladies for going out with me...I had so much fun with ya'll! We'll have to do it again! Cowfish was super yummy and I would totally recommend you to go. The menu is super huge and has a little of everything. I got some sushi and it was so good! The only thing is the restaurant was really loud so be prepared...
Today we got up and Jeff, Norah and I went to breakfast at The Flying Biscuit. Afterwards we went to pick up a Texas Donut from Suarez Bakery a couple doors down...this donut was huge! I guess it was my birthday cake! Look at it compared to Jeff's hand! The three of us shared it and we still have a little left!
Today I have been lazy...I actually hoarded all the magazines that I have gotten in the last week and saved them for today...So I read three of them! Then Norah and I ran a couple errands and now Jeff went to pick up dinner for us. One of my birthday wishes was to not have to cook or clean the kitchen far so good!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Music and Running...
Yesterday I did the Yoga with Bob Harper DVD and the 30 Day Shred with Jillian. Can I please have Bob come live with me? He is my favorite and know that I would totally be a yogi if he was here to lead me in yoga everyday! I love yoga but I am so not good at it....yet.

So today I got to run at the Greenway and it was glorious! I ran 4 miles and actually listened to music. Normally I don't listen to music when I run but decided to change it up...and it was during the day so no safety issues. Well I decided to just put my IPOD on shuffle which I never do and here is what I listened to...
Uncle Kracker “Smile”
Kenny Chesney “Ain’t Back Yet”
Zac Brown “Toes”
Big & Rich “Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)
Sugarland “Stuck Like You”
Nelly “Country Grammar”
Taylor Swift “Picture to Burn”
50 Cent “Disco Inferno”
The Ghourds “Gin and Juice”
Kayne West/Jamie Fox “Gold Digger”
Sara Bareilles “Love Song”
Young MC “Bust a Move”
Lady Antebellum “Need you Now”
Ciara/Missy Elliot “One, Two Step”
Murphy’s Law “Shake your Tailfeather”
Is that not the most random selection of music! I was surprised more country music didn't play as the majority of the songs I have are country. It was awesome. Can't wait to see what "shuffle" brings next time.
Also on this run I was thinking how cool (I use this term loosely) it would be for Meredyth and I to get shirts made for our half we are doing together in ATL. I mean we need to cheese it up a little! Here are some choices....

Or I saw one that said "This is not sweat...this is liquid awesome" or there is always just having the shirt say "Horschack" (inside joke...) We'll see....
Just 6 days till my birthday!

So today I got to run at the Greenway and it was glorious! I ran 4 miles and actually listened to music. Normally I don't listen to music when I run but decided to change it up...and it was during the day so no safety issues. Well I decided to just put my IPOD on shuffle which I never do and here is what I listened to...
Uncle Kracker “Smile”
Kenny Chesney “Ain’t Back Yet”
Zac Brown “Toes”
Big & Rich “Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)
Sugarland “Stuck Like You”
Nelly “Country Grammar”
Taylor Swift “Picture to Burn”
50 Cent “Disco Inferno”
The Ghourds “Gin and Juice”
Kayne West/Jamie Fox “Gold Digger”
Sara Bareilles “Love Song”
Young MC “Bust a Move”
Lady Antebellum “Need you Now”
Ciara/Missy Elliot “One, Two Step”
Murphy’s Law “Shake your Tailfeather”
Is that not the most random selection of music! I was surprised more country music didn't play as the majority of the songs I have are country. It was awesome. Can't wait to see what "shuffle" brings next time.
Also on this run I was thinking how cool (I use this term loosely) it would be for Meredyth and I to get shirts made for our half we are doing together in ATL. I mean we need to cheese it up a little! Here are some choices....

Just 6 days till my birthday!
Monday, January 17, 2011
A new week...
Sunday...we got together with Jeff's family to eat Tacos and have Christmas with one of his brothers and son who weren't able to make it on Christmas. Then of course...there was football watching.
Now it is Monday and there is no football to don't know what to do with ourselves! Norah went to school for the start of her first full week back. It went great! The ice is melting...yeah! We are supposed to get rain so that should get the rest washed away.
First let me tell you about my new favorite snack....Pineapple Chobani Yogurt...yummy! I usually do not like to eat yogurt without putting something in it...berries, granola, cereal, etc. But this stuff is the BOMB and I can totally just eat it like is...I mix it all up before eating...super yum! not the store and get it!
This morning Norah helped me make her pancakes before school...of course she put her tutu on first thing this morning! (She got the tutu yesterday from Jeff's brother and family who came in town)
After taking Norah to school, I had planned to run the greenway but was so thirsty for some reason. So headed home, drank a glass of water and just ran from my house. I ran 3.38 miles...I should have just kept going and made it an even 3.5 but oh well. It was great to run outside again!
Now it is Monday and there is no football to don't know what to do with ourselves! Norah went to school for the start of her first full week back. It went great! The ice is melting...yeah! We are supposed to get rain so that should get the rest washed away.
First let me tell you about my new favorite snack....Pineapple Chobani Yogurt...yummy! I usually do not like to eat yogurt without putting something in it...berries, granola, cereal, etc. But this stuff is the BOMB and I can totally just eat it like is...I mix it all up before eating...super yum! not the store and get it!

I ran errands...made the trek to Costco and then to Harris Teeter. Costco now has organic chicken breasts! I got some and made Jeff and Norah baked Chicken Fingers....they loved it!
Jeff went to the gym tonight and when he got home...I snapped this pic. Yes...Norah has on the tutu again...she put it on when she got home from school! And...Jeff got his hair cut!!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Running, Norah and Random Stuff....
1. Running....Today was the Charleston Half Marathon that I had hoped to do but due to sicknesses, holidays and Norah's surgery is didn't happen...maybe next year. However, I do have two races coming up...the half in Myrtle Beach in February and the half in Atlanta in March. I am getting really excited about both of them and know a couple of things I will do differently.

I know that I will definitely eat something closer to the actually start of the race. Usually I just eat breakfast but it could be like 2 hours before. Also I want to make sure I have the right fuel during the race too. After reading the book "Thrive"...I am debating about trying the dates during some runs to see how that goes. Some of the gels and stuff are not my favorite. Today I did 5 miles on the is the longest run I have ever done on the Dreadmill (I miss running outside this week!) for me but there is still too much ice outside to risk it. But what got me through was old episodes of "The Closer." "The Closer" is my new addiction!! Love it!
I ate breakfast at 8 am but didn't run until 11 am so ate a random Hammer Gel that I had and it was super nasty! The GUs are definitely better than that.... 

And yes the Cinderella dress in on backwards! They learned yesterday in school about how to dress themselves so she put it on herself...she is getting to be such a big kid now! Also she is feeling really good and Jeff and I commented today that she has been talking so much more since her surgery! I think it was the best thing to do for her!

Jeff ran outside today but said he was dodging ice in some spots. Today was in the 40s temperature wise and tomorrow should be the starting Monday I should be able to run outside again! Yippee!
2. Since the Dreadmill is in Norah's playroom...she entertained me in her princess dress and angel wings today. She is the cutest!
3. So I broke down and got the "Water for Elephants" book on ebay for $3 used. I wanted to read it before the movie came out where my hot Edward...oh I mean Robert Pattinson is in it. ;) I also wanted one where the book cover was the original before they change it to reflect the movie. So after I finish "The Help" will probable be next in line.
4. Well just watching some football...Jeff went to meet some friends to watch it...had my one glass of wine and now sipping on some hot green tea! I have one more assignment to do this weekend for my classes so I might try to get that done tonight. It will be nice to get back on schedule this week now that Norah will be to feeling good and in school and hopefully we will be ice free!

Friday, January 14, 2011
Haircuts for everyone!
Well I got my haircut last week, the dogs are getting one next week so I took Norah today! (Jeff is due for one too!) Norah is feeling good and went to school today for the first time since her surgery. She had a great day and I really think she needed it...playing with her friends and everything. I got some errands done and school work...have just one more assignment to do for the week.
Darcy is in desperate need of a haircut...doesn't he look like a person! I swear Jeff and I always say that Darcy is a person walking around! He is so layed back and likes to chill.
Finn is so hard to get a normal pic of as he won't stay still! He is a little shaggy but his nails are super long. I probably need to learn how to cut them myself...but he is getting a haircut too!
Norah found my SweatyBand and was wearing in her hair. (Ignore the pile of Jeff's clothes in the background) This pic cracks me up!
Here is after the haircut...profile pic! We are trying to grow the front out to all be a cute bob! The front has a little more to go but isn't is so cute!?

Tonight it was so great to see Norah in a great mood and feeling good. She set up her Thomas the Train tent in the hallway and was having camp out!
So I am obsessed with picking out races to do. I keep going back and forth of whether I want to do a Marathon (that's right...26.2 miles!) this year or next. This one looks tempting for this year...Nov. 5, 2011 in Savannah...should that be the one? The only thing is the Rock 'N' Roll series races are super huge and pretty pricey....hmmmm....will have to think about this one...I'll keep ya posted.
In the meantime, I have my long run of the week planned for tomorrow and the freakin' ice is still here! I really want to run at the Greenway but I'm not sure if the ice has cleared in there yet. Go away ice!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Three Things Thursday...
1. Norah...9 days out from surgery and she finally seems to be better. Yesterday was a good day but she was in pain later in the day. Last night she slept all the way through and then today seems to be feeling good. I kept her home today just t0 be extra careful but hope she can go to school for a few hours tomorrow.
2. Ran today again on the treadmill for 3 miles while Norah watched noggin/nick jr. in the room with me. So hoping this ice melts away so I can run outside for my long run on Saturday. Was going to download "The Hunger Games" book on my ipod to listen to but it is like $27!! I mean I can buy the actual book less than that...anybody know where you can download books on the cheap? Also did 30 day shred this Tuesday and can feel it in the it!
3. Hope to see the "The King's Speech" this weekend at the movie theatre with some friends. I love going to the movies! Jeff and I watched "Salt" the other day and it was first we thought it was a true story but looked it up online and it is not.

2. Ran today again on the treadmill for 3 miles while Norah watched noggin/nick jr. in the room with me. So hoping this ice melts away so I can run outside for my long run on Saturday. Was going to download "The Hunger Games" book on my ipod to listen to but it is like $27!! I mean I can buy the actual book less than that...anybody know where you can download books on the cheap? Also did 30 day shred this Tuesday and can feel it in the it!
3. Hope to see the "The King's Speech" this weekend at the movie theatre with some friends. I love going to the movies! Jeff and I watched "Salt" the other day and it was first we thought it was a true story but looked it up online and it is not.

Well I am off to finish with laundry and hit the school books! Did I mention that my birthday is only 12 days away!
Monday, January 10, 2011
We woke up this morning to this....
It snowed most of the day today...I think we got like 4 inches! All the schools were closed today and have announced they are closed tomorrow too. Jeff went into work a little today but then was home this afternoon. I love when we are all at home together!
Norah woke up last night again in pain and then was up very early this morning in pain. Once you can convince (force) her to take her medicine then she is okay. She was so wanting to go outside but since she is supposed to have no activity for 14 days...we only let her stay out there for a little while.

Norah and her cute!!!
They decided to check the mail for me...walking to the mailbox....
She is bringing the mail to me...She is so precious!

Today I decided to make something that I have read a lot about in the blog I was bored! I made Peanut Butter Cookie Dough balls using this recipe...did the recipe exactly except used what I had on hand...butter instead of margarine, almond butter instead of peanut, used all white flour instead of the two different kinds, and 1 cup of chocolate chips instead of the two different kinds. They were fantastic!! Make them now! And since there is no eggs in is great to make with kids and they can eat the dough raw!
Jeff shoveled the top of our driveway in hopes that it won't have as much ice and can melt away sooner in the next couple of days. It is not supposed to get very much above freezing this whole week! So this counted as his work out for the day. I did hit the Dreadmill today to run 3 miles. Well I am off to finish watching the National Championship Game...pretty good so far!
It snowed most of the day today...I think we got like 4 inches! All the schools were closed today and have announced they are closed tomorrow too. Jeff went into work a little today but then was home this afternoon. I love when we are all at home together!
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