Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today is my Birthday!

So today is my 33rd birthday and I am actually pretty excited about it! Last year on my birthday I had to put my sweet boy Fritz (my mini schnauzer) down so it was not a good birthday day. And to be honest turning 30 and 31 were a struggle for me. But I feel really good about turning 33 this year. I am actually excited today!

So for lunch Jeff and I are going to lunch at my favorite restaurant in Charlotte, Upstream. I still have the gift card my work gave me when I left and since Norah is in school...it is a date!
My mom sent me some money for my birthday and as I said previously I got the new Yoga DVD (which I am super sore from...it is a great DVD!) and I also picked up a book at Target... "The Hunger Games" ($7).
I started thinking about books and how I have like 15 books that are in my "to be read" pile...I have an addiction to buying books. I love books....they are like little treasures and I never thought I would go the Kindle route...but now I think it may be the way to go. So I am going to try not to buy anymore books this year. If there is a book I want...I am going to keep track of the name of it in a spreadsheet. Then I hope to read all the books I have this year and then next Christmas...get a Kindle?! We'll see...

Well originally today would be a DVD workout day but I may just take a rest day...I mean it is my birthday. I am not sure what I will do with myself all day but I am sure I will find something! :) And then I have class tonight at 6:30! :(
Have a great day!


Hilary said...

Happy Birthday! We celebrated a coworkers birthday today who also turned 33. Small world! I hope yours was fantastic :)

iamwonder said...

Happy Birthday!!! Let me know if you have time after classes one day to grab lunch!

WannabeRunner said...

Happy birthday!! And i hope you love the Hunger Games - the series is so great!