Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday Things...

My sister-in-law (Robyn) lost her mother this week. When a loss makes you reflect on things in your own life and you always start to think about the ones that people leave behind. I think a death is hardest on the ones left behind. So our family's thoughts and prayers go out to Robyn and all her family. We love ya Robyn and are here for you. I sure hope to see you soon!

I also had Book Club this week. I love our book club! Everyone is awesome and I am so lucky to be a part of such fabulous women. We are all different and add so much to each time we meet...I love hearing opinions and thoughts from each person (even though I am slack and didn't actually read the last is on my TBR list!!!) I also needed a "girls" night and...ummm...some no other too! Y'all are so great! Cannot wait till the next one! The next book was chosen and it is...

I'm excited about reading it as it sounds great and got good reviews. Well tomorrow is TGIF and then a weekend that hopefully will be productive. I am loving the good weather lately and think Spring is finally here! It will be nice to spend this awesome weather at the beach...I feel so lucky! 

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