Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Catching Up...October 2017

Norah and I went and played tourist in Myrtle Beach one day...went to WonderWorks. We had never been there and we both had fun!

Then we headed to Market Common for our usual sushi...we always get three rolls and can never finish it...but like the variety!

And tried the new donut place...pretty good! And it is hard to tell in pic but they are actually like mini donuts!

My cousin, Erica, got married in October. It was a beautiful wedding at Litchfield Plantation. Pics from Rehearsal dinner then wedding.

The next day my aunt hosted a brunch at her house. Norah got to go to this for part of the wedding. It was also cotillion for October right afterwards. (She sprained her arm when she fell during tennis and had to wear a brace for two weeks.)

Norah and Makayla at lunch!

Norah played in her first tennis tournament and she loved it!

For Halloween....Norah and Makayla were Thing 1 and 2!

Just the dogs and Jeff hanging out!

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