Sunday, June 27, 2010

Birthday Weekend: Part 2 Saturday

Well getting up Saturday morning around 5:45 am after not much sleep...tough! But we got up and started back into getting everything ready for the party...finishing the food, getting outside ready, picking up balloons, getting ice for the coolers...and the list goes on. We also let Norah open her present which was a princess soccer ball and soccer nets. We were literally exhausted by lunch! Norah took a good nap and when she got mom, step-dad and sister's two boys were here.

They got an early start on playing outside and the other guests started arriving at 5 pm. I ended up getting a little more stuck in the kitchen then planned so I didn't get as many pics of Norah in action as I would have liked...but oh well. Jeff watched her and said she had a blast! I wanted to get a pic of the backyard and all its had two pools, water table, and a zillion toys all over the place. I did get some balloons for the front as well but forgot to take a pic of that too.

All the kids played and ate and then headed home. I loved seeing everyone even though I feel like I only got to talk to a couple people for like a second....I think that always happens when you are the host of the party. We then opened gifts and next thing you know it was bed time for Norah! She did stay up late but was asleep around 9 pm. My sister's boys stayed up a little unfortunately the rest of the night wasn't as relaxing or peaceful as planned ;)

Random pic of the puppies that morning. They were so good at the party! Also Thursday night at the vet...Darcy weighed 12.6 pounds and Finn was 11.6 pounds!
Norah opening up her present from us!

The food. We did Mexican themed food since it was a Dora party! Also there is Ellen in background...she is 37 weeks pregnant with her first baby boy!!

Norah blowing her candle out! She wore that "necklace" as she calls it Friday night and Saturday night!
Bo and Michael! How precious!

Hughes, Norah and William. William is our neighbor and I love the way Norah is looking at him! So sweet!

Lila and Harper! The girls!

Pic of the table!

Little Michael with his Dad!

Denny and Robyn
Daddy Jeff, Norah and Harper in action!

Shawna and Evie!
Norah opening presents! (That dark spot is where she fell out of the hammock into the dirt)

More presents....
and more presents...

One of my favorite things with the birthday party...was seeing the kids. These kids are the same ones that were at her 1st and 2nd birthday parties and I love seeing them change, grow up, and interact with each other. I can't believe that Norah will be three tomorrow! Time flies!
Well next up is Part 3 Sunday...feels like it is never going to end...huh?!

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