Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I think Jeff and I have finally recovered from our whirlwind weekend and things are starting to get back to normal. We have cleaned up everything and are back on schedule. No more junk food. :) So now we need to switch gears and get ready for our beach week next week. Car needs oil change, laundry, packing, etc. You know how it goes!

Well tomorrow is the big day..."Eclipse" the movie will be out...I swear if I didn't have to be at work at 8:30 am....I would go to the midnight showing! But since I would die at work tomorrow of sleepiness...I'll have to miss out. But I can't wait to see it! (Eclipse was my favorite book of the 4)

So I didn't exercise Sat, Sun, or Monday...the longest stint of nothing in forever (and I could tell.) So tonight I went for a long walk...and I took my ipod. Normally I do not take music for 1. safety and 2. I like the peace and quiet to de-stress. But tonight it was great! I listened to the music loud and basically was like dancing in my head and trying to remember not to sing out loud so not to scare the neighbors! :)

I did plan my loose 16 week schedule for my next half-marathon and think if these temps stay like they are...I will have to do some treadmill action...which I'm not a fan of...but what ya going to do. Well no pics tonight because I'm ready to get in the shower and hit the bed!

But I will leave you with something....TEAM EDWARD!! ;)

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