Monday, June 21, 2010

Hello Ya'll!

Happy Monday! We had a good Father's Day...Jeff's parents came over for dinner and the whole weekend was just pretty low key. So since there is absolutely no tv on these days...I borrowed the first season of "The Big Bang Theory" from a co-worker....that show is hilarious! We watched some over the weekend and I watched some tonight. I already can't wait for the fall where there is football on the weekends and new shows during the week (and not 150 is so hot right now!)! Of course "Big Brother" comes out is one of those super cheesy reality shows that I either love or hate each year...the sad thing is I hope I love it this summer as there is nothing else to watch!!

Well workout wise...ran on Saturday and walked on Sunday night. Today nothing so far but I'm still trying to motivate to do something... Also ate so good today...until neighbor made homemade cookies...and not the slice and bake kind...I have no willpower when she gave me that little bad of cookies! Yum! Now I should really motivate to work out! :)
Also the countdown has begun...July 2 (or 3rd...not sure yet) I will be headed to the beach for a full week of vacation! I can't wait! And the best part is to be with Norah everyday!! Well I guess I'm off to clean the kitchen and debate to whether take a walk around the neighborhood, hit the treadmill, or just go to bed! I have a feeling bed will win but trying...

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