Sunday, July 15, 2012

The latest plus book, tv, movie, and house stuff...

So last Thursday and Friday were filled with errands, making Norah's 5 year doctor appt with a new doctor, signing her up for camp next week, laundromat (washer is broken and will not be fixed until this week...), etc. But then Jeff came to town on Friday...YEAH! Saturday we went for a boat ride and it was a little rough at first (water) but then was so awesome!

 Don't be make-up! :)
 Norah eating her apple...look at the perfect weather day that you can see behind and all around was beautiful!
 Helping Daddy drive the boat...

Norah relaxing while we anchored up...we had our lunch and I got to read my book! It was a lot of fun and we said that it is still hard to believe that this is where we live and Norah will grow up here! It is pretty amazing!

Saturday night we cooked at home and hung was so nice to just have some family time. Sunday we headed over to Nini and Pop's house and went to the beach. Before we left...Norah "helped" Pops with the new gate for LuLu...
Norah had a blast on the beach because Daddy is "so much funner because he goes deeper in the water with me." Yep, Daddy and Norah rode in some waves together. She loved every minute of it!

I actually finished "Silver Girl" and really liked it...Elin Hilderbrand books are the essential beach book to me...easy to read with enough going on that you want to see what happens. Thinking I will either read the Harry Potter books again (you can borrow for free on kindle now!) or maybe read "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon. I've heard that it is pretty good and long...which I like!
So I was randomly seeing what was on TV tonight and came across "Big Brother"...
There are some old cast members on here...I may have to watch this for the summer as there is nothing else on! I do love Janelle too! While watching "Big Brother" I saw a preview for the movie "The Watch"...
I can't decide if this will be dumb-funny in a good way or not...will have to wait to see what everyone says about it!

So the ongoing saga is always doing something to our house...paint, unpacking, organizing, etc. I found two things online that I thought were interesting...I kinda want a new bedside table for a different set up and like this one...
Then I saw this door and how awesome would it be! I mean it probably isn't very practical but love it!
Well time to get my to-do list together for the week...

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