Friday...Jeff took Norah to school for me so she didn't have to go as early...well...she was getting out of his truck and somehow lost her balance/foot got caught and ended up face planting on concrete! Not good! Blood was everywhere....we couldn't tell if she broke her nose or her teeth...ended up taking her to dentist (a big thanks to Dr. Grabeman for seeing her before he opened!)..teeth were good. She had cut the inside of her mouth pretty bad, busted her lip and scratched up her chin and nose. After we got her some medicine, bag of ice, and cleaned up....she went to class and was such a trooper! Here is a pic once we got home...poor thing!

Friday afternoon came and Norah and I picked up the last items needed for the camping trip and packed up everything. Jeff and Norah left for our first camping trip and I went to a school event party. We were so appreciative to be asked to go camping with the Georgetown Presbyterian Church group. It was one price and included the camp site and food. So now the camping trip...
This was the first time we have camped as a family and the first time Norah and I have camped at all! I hate that I didn't go on Friday because...I LOVED CAMPING! Who knew?! was the most fun and I cannot wait to go again! Here are the details...we stayed at Huntington State Park which was great because it was so close to us (We stayed in "Primitive Area" on the left of the map which was for tents only.)
We were in spot "4" and had Boy Scout Troops staying in the other areas so there was a lot of tents out there! We were in walking distance to a bathroom and beach. Jeff and Norah got there Friday with the rest of the families, set up camp, explored, had dinner (grilled chicken, sausages, onions and potatoes) and hung out. Jeff said the kids were running around having a blast. They found a pelican skull which they thought was cool. :)
We used a tent that my mom had bought years ago but never had used! It was the Cadillac of tents and it worked awesome! It had a "screen porch" section that helped keep all the bugs out and the room part was super tall and spacious. (That is our tent on the right!)
Saturday morning I got up...took care of dogs, showered and did a quick clean and load of laundry and got out to Huntington about 10:00 am...I met Norah at the Nature Center where she was making a shirt with paint and these rubber sea animals. It is cute! Jeff and Keith had taken Alec and headed to the beach to set up some fishing poles. Norah and I headed over with another family and met them on the beach. We stayed on the beach from 11:00 til 4:00 leaving once to make some sandwiches at camp for lunch. The weather was perfect!
Jeff fishing and Norah playing in the water...I was reading my book! A perfect day for me! |
The salt water really helped heal her cuts on her face and in her mouth! The beach cures all! |
Jeff headed back twice to let the dogs out, etc. which worked out great. After one time, he went and explored the marsh lands with a fishing rod...(That is Hoppe!!)
We then cleaned up at an outside shower that was super cold! Then hung out around the campfire before dinner. They grilled some venison sausages to snack on and then made tacos! The food was handled by a couple of families and was awesome! Here is a pic of Norah and Ellie hanging by the fire...

We got an entire group shot (one of the boy scouts took it for us) so I hope they e-mail me a copy and I will update the blog with it! I do wish I had taken more pics but it was nice to not have my phone attached to me. No TV or was pretty great. I honestly can say that camping was the most fun and I cannot wait to do it again! I loved everything about it and the company was great! When we got up Sunday...they made pancakes, eggs and sausages (they had this Saturday morning too) and then we packed up! We headed home to take the dogs out and then Norah and I cleaned up and went to a dance recital. We got to see cute Ellie perform and one of my students was in it too! It was so cute and I am glad we went. To end the night...I took Norah out to eat where she got was so nice to go out to eat together so we could chat about everything. She loved camping too (when asked what her favorite thing about camping was...she stated "I liked all of it"!)

Well it was hard for the weekend to end and we are already trying to plan our next camping trip...I am ready to go for a longer period of time. Taking my Kindle was great because I read "Anne of Green Gables" to Norah at night before bed and was able to read my book too. We used a lot of bug spray and there was a lot of spiders (I hate bugs!) but it still goes down as one of my favorite things we have done. :)