Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mid-Week Update...

Sunday I taught Noah's Ark in Sunday School...the kids were so cute! Then we headed to Myrtle Beach where Norah went to a "Sparkles" birthday party for a girl in her class. She wore a princess dress to the party and they did their nails, hair and make-up. Then as the party favor they got to take the make-up home. Well she was a little bit of a party pooper at the party (a combination of hunger and being tired did her in) but once she got in the car to head home. She applied some more make-up to her face and then passed out for the rest of the ride home!

Sunday night Jeff and I went to a fundraiser dinner for school at a local restaurant here, Frank's. The food was AMAZING and we had a great time. Monday and Tuesday came and went... and today Norah had an end of summer party at school. There was lots of water play involved...she had a blast! (I promise that those "Cottages" you see in the background are not what the whole school looks like! Ha! Ha!) :)
Today was a busy day and then a meeting after school so baby girl was done for the day and so was was a long day. But tonight a student of mine from last year texted me and it was so great to hear from her and then I was able to chat with one of my co-workers from last year...those two things totally brightened my day! I miss all of y'all at the Hollow! :)
So now it is time for some random tidbits...
JK Rowling has a new book coming out called "The Casual Vacancy." Anyone heard anything about it yet? I can't wait to hear about it...I think I will have to add it to my "To be Read" list.
How cute are these measuring spoons from Anthropologie?! I would love to have them!

I love Trader Joe's pumpkin bread it out yet? I may have to bribe some Charlotte folks to mail me a couple of boxes!
Well off to get ready for another day...we are almost to the weekend! Wahoo!

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