We then woke up today to this....
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Lots of Snow!
This is going to be a long post! Christmas Eve we decided to go to lunch at Cracker Barrell...yum! It may be a new tradition!

Then we came home and Frankie and Denny came to visit for a little while. Jeff, Norah and I got to open all our gifts from them! We racked up! I got a ton of running clothes and gear. I also got the book Thrive which I started reading and some other things. Jeff got shoes and clothes. Norah got a cash register, leapster, microphone (which she slept with on Christmas Eve!) and some other things. Thanks Ma and Denny...we loved everything!!!! (I didn't get any pics of Frankie and Denny again...gotta get better about this!)

Christmas Eve night we set out the cookies, milk and carrots for Santa and the reindeer and wrote him a note. Woke up Christmas morning and Santa was so good to us!

This is a close up of Norah's loot from Santa! She was a very good girl!

Then after presents...we made breakfast and just played with all the toys. Next up we got ready to go to Jeff's brother's house for lunch and presents with his side of the family. His one brother, Glenn, and his wife, Denise, and our nephew, Wil, were not able to make it as Denise was very sick. Somehow I forgot to take pics!! I hate when that happens! So here are a couple of pics we took before we left to go over there.
Norah loved her variety of suckers she got in her stocking and she asked for a flute for Christmas....and as you can see...Santa delivered!
We had a great time with the Hoppe family and got more presents!! Norah got a game, tea set and some Melissa and Doug fake cookies...Jeff got a bunch of stuff that relates to his obsession with guns!....I got fuzzy crocs (my new house slippers!), pizza stone and food scale. We came home and crashed!
We got about 3-4 inches of snow! It was the great fluffy snow too!
Luckily I had picked up some snow boots for Norah the other day! Look at her necklaces...she got a necklace making kit from Santa and she and her daddy made them!

She sees the snow and is ready to go out there!!

The dogs loved it! They were running all over the place!

We came in after awhile and Norah played with all her toys...I mean was entertained for hours! Then we went back out for round 2....
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas Eve...Eve!!
It is getting so exciting around here that Christmas is 2 days away...tomorrow being Christmas Eve! I just got my "wrap on" so we are all set here at the Hoppe house. Now we are just waiting to see if we are going to have a white Christmas or not!
Yesterday I took Norah to the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat doctor and she is got to have her tonsils and adenoids taken out...I so hope this helps her and maybe she can stay sick free for a few months! She is scheduled to have it done January 4 and has to take two weeks for recovery so no school or activities. I guess it is a good thing that I am not working! :) I must say that I am super nervous about this...I know they do it all the time but I really do not like to think of anything happening to my baby!
Last night I went to see "Black Swan" with Carrie and Leslie. The movie is interesting to say the least...when the movie ended and the credits started to roll...no one in the theatre got up for like 3 minutes. Even today I was thinking about certain parts of it. It is a strange one but really good. It is different which I think makes it stand out and Natalie Portman will definitely win an Oscar for it.
I love the Christmas feeling right now...the music, having a fire going in the fireplace, lots of yummy treats, the talks of Santa with Norah...basically everything....seeing Norah's face on Christmas morning...that is the best thing ever! Merry Christmas to everyone!
Yesterday I took Norah to the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat doctor and she is got to have her tonsils and adenoids taken out...I so hope this helps her and maybe she can stay sick free for a few months! She is scheduled to have it done January 4 and has to take two weeks for recovery so no school or activities. I guess it is a good thing that I am not working! :) I must say that I am super nervous about this...I know they do it all the time but I really do not like to think of anything happening to my baby!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Too Much Sugar...
Today I had the 3rd annual cookie decorating at my house for the girls. We have a good group of friends with kids and a lot of them are boys! So I try to do this for the girls as little girls are so into it! This year Perry was old enough to join in but McIver got sick and was not able to make it. However, Julie (McIver's mom) came and even decorated a few cookies to take home...then Darcy "counter surfed" when we were not looking and ate them!!! Bad, cute dog! :) I loved getting a little adult conversation in today...I think I really need a girls night out soon!
Well here is a picture from the cookie decorating 2009...I couldn't find a pic from 2008 (where did I put them?)....
I actually made the dough yesterday morning and then baked them last night. Jeff snapped a pic of Norah and I before everyone got here this morning.
Norah is prepared with her cute little cover-up that Christie gave her for her 2nd birthday! She was really cute decorating those cookies.
Norah, Harper and Perry in cookie action!
So now...I keep eating the cookies! They are so addicting! Oh well...'tis the season! So we joke that Darcy is addicted to the Christmas tree...he is always laying under it but every time I get my camera he moves...well not today. I got a pick! He loves laying there!
Well in other news....Norah went to the dentist yesterday...teeth look great and no cavities! I also took Norah to the doctor yesterday as she had a slight temperature and complained of her ears hurting after getting up from her nap (she has been not feeling well for a few days.) She has a sinus infection and antibiotics it is....I mean really did you think we could go a full month with no sickness around here?! The doctor and I talked in length about all this sickness and Norah has had strep throat, ear infection or sinus infection every month for at least the last 7 months and constantly complains of stomach aches!! So we are to make an appointment with the Ear, Nose, Throat doctor and the allergist again for food allergy testing. I'll keep you posted on what is up...in the mean time...I so hope Norah is feeling better for the big Christmas Day!
Well here is a picture from the cookie decorating 2009...I couldn't find a pic from 2008 (where did I put them?)....

Speaking of Christmas that is only 4 days away! Ellen and Will gave Norah "The Night Before Christmas" book and we have been reading it every night since after Thanksgiving. Norah LOVES the book and has it memorized! So she reads it along with us at night...it is so cute!
In the good news arena...I got my grades and made an "A" in all three of my classes! I am pretty proud of myself especially since I thought one class I would get a "B" in and there was that working and being a mom and wife thing too! My new classes will start in a few weeks.
I haven't run this week and miss it but it seems that I have been so busy with lots of little things for Christmas. But it is the holidays so I am trying not to worry too much about it. Hopefully I can start back tomorrow? Now I just have to stay away from the cookies!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Whoa!!! Six days...
The closer we get to Christmas...the faster time is going by! It is so hard to believe that Christmas is just 6 days away. Well to start off...here is a cute pic of my boys taking a little nap.
Friday night we headed to Capital Grille for Jeff's work party. The food and company were amazing! Excuse our devil eyes... :)
Here is a pic of Jeff's brother, Allan, and his wife, Robyn. Jeff's brother also is his boss!
Group pic!
I love this picture of Jeff and Becky! Becky so takes care of my Jeff at work...she is like one of his moms! Hey Becky!!! :)
Jeff and Julian...we were laughing because they had on the same outfit/concept and Jeff is about 20 years older than him...hey my man looks good! :)
Saturday came and Jeff and his buddy Toby spent 4 hours splitting logs from some trees that Toby had cut down at his house. Now we have a big stack of firewood...hope it lasts us! We love building a fire like everyday!
Above pic is my sister's two boys...not sure why it is fuzzy...
Me and the hubby!
Gift time. Norah got a camera, remote control car, memory game, book and stuffed animal/musical thing (it is actually hilarious!)
Well I am off to get the dishwasher started and then read a magazine and hit the hay. I actually take Norah to the dentist tomorrow....hope all is well with her teeth!
Saturday Norah also started to get sick. Isn't this always the case at our house...someone is sick here all the time!! Aaaahhhhhhhh! So Saturday night she did not sleep well which means Mommy and Daddy do not sleep good either. I'm pretty sure it is just a cold so hopefully it won't last too long.
Sunday we got up and headed to my mom and Denny's house for Christmas time. My sister, her two boys, my step-brother and a friend and of course us and my mom and Denny were all there. My aunt/uncle/cousin also sent us goodies and gifts for us too! We ate lots of food and let the kids open some of the presents. I am actually drinking some decaf coffee right now and eating a couple of these orange/date mini muffins my mom made...super yum!
I cannot believe I was so slack with picture taking and no pic of my Mom, Denny, Jake, Capi or Jake's friend...gotta get better!
We got home around 7 pm and were scrambling to get dinner for Norah but she definitely wanted to play a game of memory before bed time....
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