Today I had the 3rd annual cookie decorating at my house for the girls. We have a good group of friends with kids and a lot of them are boys! So I try to do this for the girls as little girls are so into it! This year Perry was old enough to join in but McIver got sick and was not able to make it. However, Julie (McIver's mom) came and even decorated a few cookies to take home...then Darcy "counter surfed" when we were not looking and ate them!!! Bad, cute dog! :) I loved getting a little adult conversation in today...I think I really need a girls night out soon!
Well here is a picture from the cookie decorating 2009...I couldn't find a pic from 2008 (where did I put them?)....

I actually made the dough yesterday morning and then baked them last night. Jeff snapped a pic of Norah and I before everyone got here this morning.

Norah is prepared with her cute little cover-up that Christie gave her for her 2
nd birthday! She was really cute decorating those cookies.

Norah, Harper and Perry in cookie action!

So now...I keep eating the cookies! They are so addicting! Oh well...'
tis the season! So we joke that Darcy is addicted to the Christmas tree...he is always laying under it but
every time I get my camera he moves...well not today. I got a pick! He loves laying there!

Well in other news....Norah went to the dentist yesterday...teeth look great and no cavities! I also took Norah to the doctor yesterday as she had a slight temperature and complained of her ears hurting after getting up from her nap (she has been not feeling well for a few days.) She has a sinus infection and
antibiotics it is....I mean really did you think we could go a full month with no sickness around here?! The doctor and I talked in length about all this sickness and Norah has had strep throat, ear infection or sinus infection every month for at least the last 7 months and constantly complains of stomach aches!! So we are to make an
appointment with the Ear, Nose, Throat doctor and the allergist again for food allergy testing. I'll keep you posted on what is the mean time...I so hope Norah is feeling better for the big Christmas Day!
Speaking of Christmas that is only 4 days away! Ellen and Will gave Norah "The Night Before Christmas" book and we have been reading it every night since after Thanksgiving. Norah LOVES the book and has it memorized! So she reads it along with us at is so cute!
In the good news arena...I got my grades and made an "A" in all three of my classes! I am pretty proud of myself especially since I thought one class I would get a "B" in and there was that working and being a mom and wife thing too! My new classes will start in a few weeks.
I haven't run this week and miss it but it seems that I have been so busy with lots of little things for Christmas. But it is the holidays so I am trying not to worry too much about it. Hopefully I can start back tomorrow? Now I just have to stay away from the cookies!
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